February 5 @ 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM John S. McCain Strategic Defense Fellowship – Virtual Information Session #2 Online via Zoom The John S. McCain Strategic Defense Fellows Program is a paid civilian fellowship program designed to provide leadership development for the commencement of a career track toward senior leadership in the Department of Defense. The Department of Defense will be hosting a virtual information session on the John S. McCain Strategic Defense Fellowship Program on Monday, February 5, 2024 from 3:00 pm to 4:00pm EST (12:00 am PT). R.S.V.P. to participate by utilizing the following link - https://forms.osi.apps.mil/r/y2gtRjNacP. Upon receipt of your request, you’ll receive an invitation to the engagement on MS Teams. Join us to learn about the unique opportunity to potential begin your career in the Federal Government!
February 5 @ 12:00 PM - 2:00 PM Career Lab & Clinic: Writing Effective Cover Letters 177 Stanley Hall Berkeley Writing a strong cover letter may not be as hard as you think. This short (35-40 minute) workshop and optional clinic (individual advising on your materials) will provide resources for you to learn the basic approaches to what to include, and how to organize this important part of most job applications. Primarily addresses non-faculty job searches, but open to job seekers in any field. Register here