Creating Joy in Learning

Hybrid: Academic Innovation Studio (Dwinelle 117) and Zoom

Learning environments can promote student belonging, academic  identity, and joy using inclusive teaching practices. This workshop continues our critical discussion of ways to incorporate inclusive teaching, famed by Universal Design for Learning (UDL). UDL guides instructors to proactively implement multiple ways to demonstrate understanding, engage in content, and have content represented. Through this UDL lens, this workshop explores how joy in learning creates resiliency, intrinsic motivation, meaning-making, and deeper learning. It is also linked to truth, beauty, aesthetics, artful thinking, wonderment, and activities where students feel personal fulfillment and have opportunities to create solutions to real-world problems (Muhammad, 2023). Join our workshop as we provide stories of deep learning, teaching, and researching that use joy-informed pedagogy to activate student agency, promote healing, and build community. Our discussion will revolve around these critical thinking questions: Where does joy fit into learning, and how does it manifest in learning? Can deep learning happen without joyful discoveries, deeper self-awareness, transformation? This hybrid event will be held in person in 117 Dwinelle Hall (Academic Innovation Studio) and also on Zoom. Please RSVP for the Zoom link, and if you're joining us on-site, please make sure to register as well. This workshop will also include an optional 45-minute Q&A open lab directly after the workshop for any in-person participant wanting to work towards inclusive teaching goals in their own courses. ➡️ RSVP for this event here!⬅️

Howison Lecture – Béatrice Longuenesse on Self-Consciousness and ‘I’ – Anscombe and Sartre in Dialogue

Alumni House, Toll Room Berkeley

In this lecture, Béatrice Longuenesse examines Elizabeth Anscombe’s analysis of our use of the first-person pronoun ‘I’ and its relation to self-consciousness. Longuenesse argues that Anscombe’s account receives unexpected support from a philosophical approach which is very different from hers: Jean-Paul Sartre’s phenomenological description of consciousness, self-consciousness, and their expression in our use of ‘I.’ Anscombe’s characterization of self-consciousness as the non-observational, non-inferential, “unmediated conception of actions, happenings and states” is close to Sartre’s characterization of what he calls “non-thetic” or “non-positional” self-consciousness.