October 30, 2023 @ 8:00 AM - November 3, 2023 @ 5:00 PM UC Berkeley Graduate Diversity Admissions Fair Register today for the Graduate Diversity Admissions Fair! Monday, October 30 through Friday, November 3 Thank you for attending our virtual Graduate Diversity Admissions Fair Monday, October 30 through Friday, November 3. This admissions fair is developed specifically for underrepresented minority students considering graduate school, though it is open to all attendees. At this weeklong virtual event, we will be joined by a broad selection of our graduate programs and campus resources. Registration is open!
November 2, 2023 @ 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM R Fundamentals: Part 4 Online via Zoom This workshop is a four-part introductory series that will teach you R from scratch with clear introductions, concise examples, and support documents. You will learn how to download and install the open-sourced R Studio software, understand data and basic manipulations, import and subset data, explore and visualize data, and understand the basics of automation in the form of loops and functions. After completion of this workshop you will have a foundational understanding to create, organize, and utilize workflows for your personal research. Each of the parts is divided into a lecture-style coding walkthrough interrupted by challenge problems, discussions of the solutions, and breaks. Instructors and TAs are dedicated to engaging you in the classroom and answering questions in plain language. Prerequisites: None Part 1: Introduction Learn how to navigate the R Studio environment. You will also learn how to store data, characteristics of basic data types and data, the importance of data frames (think Excel spreadsheets), and how to save your work. Part 2: Subsetting and Reshaping You will then be introduced to loading data from files and various ways to subset it with an emphasis on bracket notation. You will also learn how to use logical vectors, search for and subset missing data, and merge data frames. Part 3: Data Exploration and Visualization Students will be introduced to data exploration and analysis in R. You will learn how to summarize data and explore it with histograms, scatterplots, and boxplots using ggplot. Part 4: Control Structures In the final part, we will cover how to use programming control structures such as functions, for-loops, and if-else statements to make more readable and re-usable code. Workshop Materials: https://github.com/dlab-berkeley/R-Fundamentals Software Requirements: Installation Instructions for R and RStudio
November 2, 2023 @ 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM Live on Zoom: Knowing Your Worth: How to Approach Negotiations in Academia Online via Zoom In this webinar, Dr. Flores and Dr. Olcott will discuss how to negotiate salaries, leave, and other elements of employment at an academic institution. They will consider how to assess academics' leverage, what elements might constrain possibilities for obtaining a better offer, and how to know when you've exhausted the negotiating process. Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 858 3421 3664 Passcode: 504153
November 2, 2023 @ 11:00 AM - 2:00 PM San Jose State Graduate School Fair Plaza de Cesar Chavez 194 South Market Street, San Jose Attend the San Jose State Grad Fair and learn more about UC Berkeley and our graduate programs! Please pre-register for this in person event here.
November 2, 2023 @ 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM Python Web Scraping Online via Zoom In this workshop, we cover how to scrape data from the web using Python. Web scraping involves downloading a webpage's source code and sifting through the material to extract desired data. Web scraping is typically only done when Web APIs are not available. Platforms like Twitter, Reddit, or The New York Times offer APIs to retrieve data. If you want to learn how to use web APIs in Python, see D-Lab's Python Web APIs workshop. Requirements: We will assume a basic knowledge of Python. If you've taken the D-Lab's Python Intensive, that should be sufficient. Prerequisites: D-Lab’s Python Fundamentals introductory series or equivalent knowledge. GitHub Repository: https://github.com/dlab-berkeley/Python-Web-Scraping Software Requirements:Installation Instructions for Python Anaconda
November 2, 2023 @ 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM Professional Profile Clinic 2023 Registration Online via Zoom Registration deadline: Friday, October 27, 11:59 p.m. Please join us for BA's annual Professional Profile Clinic. This event is composed of three parts: The first event (November 2nd, 4-5pm PT, Zoom) will be a workshop on how to perfect your LinkedIn profile. The second event (November 2nd, 5-7pm PT, Zoom) is a chance for you to have your resume reviewed by recruiters in industry and career center professionals at UC Berkeley. This part of the event is capped at a certain number of participants, based on how soon you sign up. We will let you know if you have been selected for the resume review by October 27th. The third event (November 3rd, 3:30-5pm PT, In-Person) will be free headshots at Ishi Court (Location may change depending on the weather). We'd love to see you there!
November 2, 2023 @ 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM Professional Profile Clinic 2023 Registration Online via Zoom Registration deadline: Friday, October 27, 11:59 p.m. Please join us for BA's annual Professional Profile Clinic. This event is composed of three parts: The first event (November 2nd, 4-5pm PT, Zoom) will be a workshop on how to perfect your LinkedIn profile. The second event (November 2nd, 5-7pm PT, Zoom) is a chance for you to have your resume reviewed by recruiters in industry and career center professionals at UC Berkeley. This part of the event is capped at a certain number of participants, based on how soon you sign up. We will let you know if you have been selected for the resume review by October 27th. The third event (November 3rd, 3:30-5pm PT, In-Person) will be free headshots at Ishi Court (Location may change depending on the weather). We'd love to see you there!