Free Speech Movement Leaves an Inspiring Legacy Berkeley has preserved the documentary record of this extraordinary time, ensuring that future generations will be in a position to explore these events that changed the landscape of higher education in the United States.
Call for Applications to SMART Program for Summer 2015 — 11/24/2014 In last year’s cohort Lindsey Dougherty, a Ph.D. student in Integrated Biology and her mentee—Alex Niebergall, a third-year Marine Science major conducted…
Cal Student Film Pass is Your Passport to Great Films Are you a film buff but can’t fit the price of a movie ticket into your student budget? Cal Student Film Pass…
Workshops on Writing: Editing & Revising — 10/21/2014 Editing and Revising In this workshop you will learn how a professional editor works with a manuscript; how to use the techniques of…
Diplomacy and Diversity Fellowship — 10/30/14 The Diplomacy and Diversity Fellowship is a transatlantic educational program from Humanity in Action. The Fellowship offers 24 American and European graduate students…
Amid Academic Stress, Alums Start Peer-Support Group, ‘Thriving in Science’ In September, alumni Diane Wiener and Troy Lionberger launched Thriving in Science, a peer-support program that provides support and resources to graduate students and postdoctoral researchers.
Use Versatile PhD to Exploring Non-Academic Career Options Thinking about next steps in your career? The Versatile PhD is a new resource for graduate students who want to know more about…
CalRAD: Rape Aggression Defense for Women Learn how to increase awareness and assertiveness skills. Develop physical techniques designed for women’s specific needs and assets. The R.A.D. System is a 9-12…
Anne van Biema Fellowship — 12/15/2014 Supporting Excellence in Research in the Japanese Visual Arts Trees; 17th century; Master of I-nen Seal 1600-1630); Early Edo period. The Anne…
The Annual Sustainability Innovation Student Challenge Award (SISCA) — 10/20/2014 Be Part of the Sustainability Solution! The Annual Sustainability Innovation Student Challenge Award (SISCA) was established to encourage and promote sustainable solutions to…
PayByPhone is Now Available for UC Berkeley’s 5,500 Parking Spaces As part of an effort to improve customer service to parking patrons, a new mobile parking payment option, PayByPhone, will offer more convenient…
California Alliance Mentor Matching Program for Advanced Graduate Students & Postdocs The California Alliance partners are collaborating on a Mentor Matching Program to make it easy for advanced graduate students and postdocs to…
Big Ideas Competition — 11/13/2014 The 2014-2015 Big Ideas Competition is now open. The contest is open to graduate and undergraduate students who are interested in submitting innovative ideas…
University of California Postdoctoral Fellowship — 11/01/2014 The Berkeley Chancellorʹs Postdoctoral Fellowship Program offers postdoctoral research fellowships and faculty mentoring to outstanding scholars in all fields whose research, teaching,…
Humanity in Action: Diplomacy and Diversity Scholarship — 10/30/2014 Humanity in Action has opened applications for the 2015 Diplomacy and Diversity Fellowship, a graduate-level educational fellowship. This transatlantic program brings together 24…
One Year Paid Employment Opportunity with NNSA — 10/20/2014 The National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) Graduate Program provides unique hands-on experience to prepare exceptional graduate students to become next-generation leaders in…
Attend the 65th Lindau Nobel Laureates Meeting — 10/17/2014 The University of California, Berkeley has been invited to submit four nominations to Mars, Incorporated, to be considered for the exciting opportunity…