Resources for Self-Care During Difficult Times The new recalibrate website can help you find the help you need.
Berkeley – Austria Research Fellowships — 2/1/2019 The UC Berkeley Institute of European Studies and the Austrian Marshall Plan Foundation announced a competition for a Pre-Dissertation and Dissertation Research Grant…
recalibrate: Berkeley’s NEW Wellness Website Berkeley launches a new wellness website, recalibrate, as part of the UC systemwide Healthy Campus Network (HCN) initiative, aiming “to make UC the healthiest place to work, learn, and live.”
Idaho National Laboratory (INL) Graduate Fellowship Program — 2/15/2019 Idaho National Laboratory (INL) announced that INL graduate fellowship program postings are now open. This year there are two INL Graduate Fellowship postings. The…
Carnegie Mellon Portugal Program (CMU Portugal) — 12/10/2018 Carnegie Mellon Portugal Program (CMU Portugal) is calling for applications for six doctoral scholarships to start in 2019–2020 focusing on cutting-edge areas of Information and Communication…
Center for Technology Fellowship Project Proposal Applications are Live! — 12/13/2018 The Center for Technology, Society & Policy (CTSP) invites project proposals from small teams or individuals for the annual fellows application cycle.…
Call for Nominations: Chancellor’s Awards for Public Service The Office of the Chancellor has announced the call for nominations for the annual Chancellor’s Awards for Public Service, recognizing students, staff,…
Graduate Assembly is Hiring! The Graduate Assembly is hiring: Data Initiative Director Environmental Initiative Workshops Organizer* Environmental Initiative Exhibition Organizer* Environmental Intiative Design Specialist* *To apply…
UC Berkeley Prizes Program at Announces Competition The Prizes Program at UC Berkeley is an important forum for rewarding creative expression and scholarly achievement by Berkeley’s finest students. Winners…
Fabilli Hoffer Prize — 11/30/2018 The Fabilli Hoffer Essay Prize competition is now accepting entries. This year’s topic is: “The end of civil discourse?” The contest is open…
Tracing My Family History Master of Social Welfare Student Iris Lin travels around the world to connect with her family members.
What Can You Do with a Ph.D. in Humanities or Social Sciences? Find out with ImaginePhD! Explore careers that match your skills, interests, and values with this free online tool.
Frederick Douglass Teaching Scholars Fellowship — 2/1/2019 The Frederick Douglass Institutes of Pennsylvania’s State System of Higher Education offer teaching opportunities to graduate students who are pursuing careers as…
UC MEXUS Collaborative Research Grants — 2/25/2019 UC MEXUS-CONACYT is providing seed funding to teams of UC and Mexican researchers with beginning projects in basic and applied collaborative research,…
Sydney Ehrman Fellowships — 2/22/2019 The Sydney Ehrman Fellowship is open to candidates in any field of study who wish to study at King’s College in Cambridge…
Clark Foundation $10,000 “Investment in Community” Graduate Fellowship — 1/31/2019 The Clark Foundation $10,000 “Investment in Community” Graduate Fellowship is awarded each year to one (or more) deserving graduate student(s) born, raised and/or…
Two Grants from IES Center for British Studies — 2/1/2019 The Center for British Studies Dissertation Research Grant of $2,000 will be awarded to graduate students who have defended their dissertation prospectus…
UC MEXUS-CONACYT Postdoctoral Research Fellowships — 2/25/2019 UC MEXUS-CONACYT is providing fellowships for postdoctoral researchers at the ten UC campuses or at Mexican institutions of higher education or research.…
Food Resources If you find yourself needing assistance over the winter break (or at any time of year), here are some options.