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Two Social Welfare Alumni Win Research Awards

Two UC Berkeley School of Social Welfare alumni were recently awarded research awards.

Carly Devlin ('14) was awarded the American Clinical Social Work Association's (ACSWA) Judith Holm Memorial Student Awards, including a $2,000 grant and a $1,000 Snooks Prize grant to the School of Social Welfare...

Photo of  Kurtis Heimerl holding a lamp

Kurtis Heimerl Named MIT Technology Review Innovator Under 35

At 30, Kurtis Heimerl has held many titles. Computer scientist. Ex-Googler. Postdoctoral researcher. Humanitarian. CEO. This year, he created a new technology that has the potential to provide low-cost, community-owned cellular networks to the estimated 1 billion people currently living in rural areas without coverage.

Photo of Professor Robert Hass.

Distinguished Poetry Professor, Robert Hass, Wins Wallace Stevens Award

Robert Hass, a distinguished Professor in Poetry and Poetics at UC Berkeley, is a recipient of the prestigious Wallace Stevens Award for his demonstrated mastery of poetry. The $100,000 award from The Academy of American Poets is part of the American Poets Prizes, which has been awarded to poets including Yusef Komunyakaa and Adrienne Rich in the past.

Gavin McCormick

Innovation Gives Users a Say in Energy Consumption

McCormick, a Ph.D. student in the Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics, is the recipient of this year’s Echoing Green Climate Fellowship for his innovation that empowers people and business to control their own energy choices.