rendering of exterior of new graduate housing community.

Apply for Fall 2024 New Graduate Student Housing

We are pleased to announce the grand opening in fall 2024 of xučyun ruwway, a new community-oriented housing with fully furnished units. Applications are now open through the Cal Housing portal!

Exciting Renovations at the Inclusive Excellence Hub

Over the last four months, you may have walked by 2515 Channing Way and noticed work crews, painters, and even cement trucks. The Inclusive Excellence Hub, a vibrant and inclusive community space for underrepresented graduate students, was getting an update.

Lisa welcoming guests

Full of Anticipation

Dear Graduate Student Community, I hope 2024 and your Spring semester are off to a strong start. I know it can be…

Berkeley’s Grad Slam 2023 first-place winner, Madison Browne

Develop Your Presentation Skills through Grad Slam!

Last spring, Madison Browne, now a fifth-year Ph.D. student in psychology became Berkeley's 2023 Grad Slam Champion for her presentation, "Shedding Light on Alzheimer's Disease." Madison went on to compete against the nine other campus champions across the UC system. 

UC Berkeley’s Mace: A Commencement Ceremony Icon

The afternoon of Saturday December 16 saw Haas Pavilion filled with almost 1,000 undergraduate and graduate students alongside over 6,000 friends and family members to celebrate the commencement of the Class of 2023.

Student waving Cal flag

Mentoring Course for Graduate Students

With the variety of courses being offered in the Spring 2024 semester, it can be overwhelming to figure out which to take. We encourage you to enroll in GSPDP 301, Effective Mentoring in Higher Education. This seminar will help guide graduate students as they mentor undergraduates at Berkeley, work in the context of a mentoring relationship with their graduate advisers, and prepare for the mentoring they will do in future academic and non-academic careers.

computer with stethoscope

Take Action on SHIP – December

Want to waive SHIP? The Spring 2024 waiver period is December 1, 2023 – January 1, 2024. All waivers received between January…