GSIs and Faculty Win Awards for Teaching and Mentorship GSIs and faculty mentors were honored for their excellence with award ceremonies and presentations this spring.
Join in the San Francisco Pride Parade with the Cal Alumni Association and the Gender Equity Resource Center Show Your Pride, Golden Bears! Join with the Cal Alumni Association (CAA) and UC Berkeley’s Gender Equity Resource Center to march as a contingent…
Digital Marketing Scholarship Opportunity — 12/20/2017 is a Tech News publishing platform that reaches more than 30,000 tech lovers per month. It covers topics like social media,…
You Don’t Have to Take Summer Classes to Buy a Summer Meal Plan The Summer Meal Plan is for any student — including graduate students — who is not living in a residence hall and who…
Fall 2017 GSI Teaching Conference: 8/17–18/2017 You’ve just been appointed for the first time as a GSI at UC Berkeley. Now what? The annual GSI Teaching Conference is the place for you.
Healthline Scholarships — 6/20/2017 Healthline is launching an inaugural scholarship program for college students pursuing higher education. Healthline will award two $10,000 scholarships to students enrolled in graduate…