Take Action on SHIP – December Want to waive SHIP? The Spring 2024 waiver period is December 1, 2023 – January 1, 2024. All waivers received between January…
Take Action on SHIP Maintain continual access to SHIP You should enroll in at least one Fall 2023 course before July 29 to maintain continuous access…
How To Prepare For Campus This Fall Dear Graduate Student Community, I’m greatly looking forward to welcoming you to campus again! As you prepare for the fall semester, we’ve…
Looking for child care? UC Berkeley’s Early Childhood Education Program (ECEP) is now enrolling children ages 2 to 4.5 for the 2021-2022 school year which begins…
NIH Postdoc Positions: Race-Related Stressors and Health Disparities National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities Bethesda, MD and surround areas Position Description The National Institute on Minority Health and…
Award-Winning Teaching Ideas from Berkeley GSIs Enhance your teaching skills without reinventing the wheel: One-page, award-winning teaching ideas from Berkeley GSIs Every year, approximately 14 Outstanding GSIs receive the Teaching…
Graduate Certificate Orientation Session – 7/21/21 We invite graduate students, GSAOs and Head Graduate Advisors to attend a virtual Graduate Certificate Orientation Session on July 21 from 3–4…
College of Marin Faculty Diversity Internship – 7/16/21 The College of Marin is accepting applications for the inaugural Faculty Diversity Internship Program. The Faculty Diversity Internship Program is intended to…
Blanket Waiver of Remote QEs to Continue Through Fall 2021 Through Fall 2021, the Graduate Council has extended its blanket exception to the rule that all members of milestone exams must attend…
Take A Short Survey On How Grad Div Should Offer Programs and Services As the Graduate Division gears up for the fall, we would like to include your preferences in deciding which programs and services should…
Summer Research, Teaching, and Learning Resources for GSIs Photo: Chris-Montgomery from Unsplash Research, Teaching, and Learning (is composed of several teams providing support for instructors and researchers at Berkeley. Graduate…
Graduate Assembly is Hiring a Basic Needs Officer and Wellness Officer The Graduate Assembly (GA) is hiring a basic needs officer and a wellness officer, both of which are paid positions under the…
Service Changes At Campus Libraries Visit the Library’s COVID portal to learn more about the three libraries you can visit now, what service disruptions to expect between…
In Remembrance of Marilyn Seid-Rabinow, Assistant Director for Language Proficiency Marilyn Seid-Rabinow, former Assistant Director for Language Proficiency at the Graduate Division’s GSI Teaching & Resource Center, passed away on Monday, June…
Virginia Tech Future Faculty Development Program — Aug. 15, 2021 Virginia Tech’s Future Faculty Diversity Program (FFDP) is a rigorous three-day event for doctoral candidates and postdoctoral scholars interested in academic careers. Participants are…
Master of Development Practice to Join Goldman School of Public Policy Photo by Adam Lau/Berkeley Engineering Effective July 1, 2021, UC Berkeley’s Master of Development Practice program will move its administrative home to…