Danone Yogurt and Probiotics Fellowship Program — 2/25/2019 Danone North America will award two graduate students a grant of $25,000 each. The successful candidates should excel in science and have…
Emerging Scholars Award for Excellence in Research and Public Policy — 3/15/2019 The UC Center Sacramento announces its fourth annual Emerging Scholars Award for Excellence in Research and Public Policy. The award will recognize…
Berkeley International Office — Awards for Tuition and Fees; Parent Grants — 2/15/2019 Berkeley International Office (BIO) offers limited, need-based tuition and fee and parent grant awards to international graduate students who have completed at…
ARIT Summer Fellowships for Turkish Language Study in Istanbul — 2/1/2019 The Program In summer 2019 – June 20 to August 6 – the American Research Institute in Turkey (ARIT) will offer approximately…
Reinhard Bendix Memorial Fellowship — 3/18/2019 The Institute of International Studies is accepting applications for the Reinard Bendix Memorial Fellowship. This award commemorates the scholarly achievements of the late…
John L. Simpson Memorial Research Fellowship — 3/18/2019 The Institute of International Studies is accepting applications for the John L. Simpson Memorial Research Fellowship in International and Comparative Studies. All…
Nico Linesch Boundary Crossing Scholar’s Award — 1/23/2019 The Nico Linesch Boundary Crossing Scholar’s Award is for graduate students to continue Nico’s work and design interdisciplinary internships in government agencies or…
Chowdhury Fellowships for Bangladesh Studies — 3/15/2019 The Subir and Malini Chowdhury Center announced two graduate scholarships. Each fellowship is in the amount of $7,500. The focus of all fellowships is…
Allan Sharlin Memorial Fellowship — 3/18/2019 This award commemorates the scholarly achievements of the late Allan Sharlin, Professor of Sociology and an innovative scholar in the fields of…
Institute of International Studies Pre-Dissertation Research Grant — 2/19/2019 IIS will grant a number of fellowships of up to $5,000 for graduate students who have not yet advanced to candidacy by 08/15/2019.…
Grants for Disability-Related Research — 3/1/2019 The Social Security Administration (SSA) is granting graduate students $10,000 stipends through the Analyzing Relationships between Disability, Rehabilitation and Work (ARDRAW) Small…
CSU Chancellor’s Doctoral Incentive Program — 2/1/2019 The California State University (CSU) Chancellor’s Doctoral Incentive Program (CDIP) aims to increase the number of promising doctoral students applying for future…
Conquer your Stage Fright with Free Public Speaking Workshops at the Townsend Center — 1/18/2019 Want to learn how to deliver a job talk or professional presentation clearly, confidently, and persuasively? This February, the Townsend Center for…
NEH Senior Research Fellowship Program — 1/24/2019 National Endowment for the Humanities Senior Research Fellowship Program The CAORC National Endowment for the Humanities Senior Research Fellowship Program supports advanced…
L’Oréal USA For Women In Science Fellowship — 2/1/2019 This postdoctoral fellowship recognizes and rewards the contributions women make in the STEM fields and identifies exceptional women researchers committed to serving…
Bloorview Research Institute Pursuit Award — 2/4/2019 Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Hospital’s research institute (the Bloorview Research Institute) is now accepting submissions for the prestigious 2019 Pursuit Award competition…
California Science and Technology Policy Fellowships — 2/28/2019 Work hands on with policymakers to develop solutions to complex scientific and technical issues facing California through your interaction with the legislative process.
Peter Lyman Fellowship in New Media — 2/1/2019 The Peter Lyman Graduate Fellowship established in the memory of an esteemed UC Berkeley faculty member, provides a summer stipend to a UC…
Frederick Douglass Teaching Scholars Fellowship — 2/1/2019 The Frederick Douglass Institutes of Pennsylvania’s State System of Higher Education offer teaching opportunities to graduate students who are pursuing careers as…
Sydney Ehrman Fellowships — 2/22/2019 The Sydney Ehrman Fellowship is open to candidates in any field of study who wish to study at King’s College in Cambridge…