International House is Now Accepting Applications for Summer 2019 International House at UC Berkeley is now accepting applications for Summer 2019 and will begin accepting applications for the 2019 – 2020…
Matrix Research Teams Proposals — 3/29/2019 UC Berkeley faculty, graduate students, and researchers are invited to submit proposals for Matrix Research Teams for the 2019 – 2020 academic…
Designated Emphasis & Certificate in New Media — 3/1/2019 The Berkeley Center for New Media (BCNM) is now accepting applications for admission to the Designated Emphasis (D.E.) in New Media Ph.D. program, and…
Jason Berry to Speak at GUH Symposium “Techniques of Memory” Techniques of Memory Landscape, Iconoclasm, Medium and Power April 17 – 18, 2019, 7 pm David Brower Center, Berkeley, CA The Global…
Do You Need Funding for Your Campus Sustainability Project? Apply to The Green Initiative Fund (TGIF) The Green Initiative Fund (TGIF) is UC Berkeley’s Campus Green Fund. TGIF provides funding, via grants, for projects that improve and support UC…
Cal 1 Card Office Moving to Sproul Hall The Cal 1 Card office is moving up and forward, from 180 Cesar Chavez Center to 212 Sproul Hall. The move will…
Robert E. Thunen Memorial Scholarships — 4/1/2019 These scholarships are for students who wish to study any and all fields of lighting (such as architectural, commercial, residential, airport, navigational,…
Banner-ASU Neuroscience Scholars Program — 3/1/2019 The Biodesign Institute at Arizona State University (ASU) in partnership with Banner Research announces the Banner-ASU Neuroscience Scholars program. The Banner-ASU Neuroscience Scholars…
Dr. C.F. Koo and Cecilia Koo Chair Fellowships — 3/1/2019 The Dr. C.F. Koo and Cecilia Koo Fellowships in East Asian Studies have been established at Berkeley’s Institute of East Asian Studies…
Describe Your Project or Research for a Chance to Win a $100 Gift Card and be Published in GradNews! — 3/11/2019 Describe your research for a chance to be published and win a cash award!
BERC Energy Summit — 2/21 – 2/22/2019 This year's Summit explores the theme “Bridging Divides & Building A New Energy Paradigm.”
Looking for a Unique Living Experience During Your Time at Cal? Consider I-House International House will soon be accepting applications for housing for both Summer 2019 and the 2019-2020 Academic Year. The Summer 2019 applications…
Student Technology Fund (STF) — 2/18/2019 The Student Technology Fund (STF) proposal submission process is now open for the spring fast-track cycle. The deadline to submit project proposal…
American Councils’ Scholarships and Internships in Russia — 3/15/2019 The American Councils’ Business, Technology, and Innovation Scholarship announces the Business, Technology, and Innovation (BTI) Scholarship, which supports U.S. students participating in…
National Institute of Justice Graduate Fellowships in STEM — 4/15/2020 The NIJ’s Graduate Research Fellowship program in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) supports doctoral research with relevance to crime and criminal…
Fulbright-Hays DDRA Fellowships Campus Deadline — 3/13/2019 The U.S. Department of Education is now accepting applications for the FY2019 Fulbright-Hays Doctoral Dissertation Research Abroad fellowship. The initial campus deadline…
ComSciCon Communicating Science Flagship Workshop — 3/1/2019 For all graduate students in STEM and related fields: Applications are now open for ComSciCon 2019! The 7th annual Communicating Science workshop will…
Institute of European Studies (IES) Funding Opportunities — 2/28/2019 Berkeley Institute of European Studies (IES) announced a call for applications. Center for Portuguese Studies Research/Language Study Awards Open to Portuguese American and…
Berkeley Labor Center Summer Paid Internship Program — 2/25/2019 Learn organizing or research and policy skills for Social & Economic Justice Have you ever organized a meeting? Researched an issue? Volunteered…
I-House Gateway Fellowships Program — 3/15/2019 Graduate students who live at International House, or aspire to, are invited to speak to their academic department about being nominated for…