The Committee for Protection of Human Subjects (CPHS) has put together a guide to introduce students to the process of submitting an application to CPHS, UC Berkeley’s Institutional Review Board (IRB), including key information and associated content links to other areas of the CPHS website. The Office for Protection of Human Subjects (OPHS) is the administrative office that supports the CPHS. The OPHS staff team consists of friendly, knowledgeable professionals who are ready to assist you with human subjects research-related questions and concerns.


Office for the Protection of Human Subjects

The Office for Protection of Human Subjects (OPHS) is the administrative office that supports the Committee for Protection of Human Subjects by coordinating the review of research, keeping abreast of the changing policies, rules and regulations, and working with CPHS and researchers to address research protocol and compliance issues. OPHS also provides education and outreach to UC Berkeley investigators and functions as a liaison to other campus units such as the Sponsored Projects Office and the Office of Environment Health & Safety.

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